*We are experiencing a high volume of calls at this time of year. While our voicemail states a 48-72 hour call back window, please expect delays. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your continued patience!*

Front Foot Assessment Specialist

We Manage Private Water and Sewer Facility Assessments


U.S. Utility Corporation and U.S. Utility LLC (collectively, “U.S. Utility”) are the leaders in the management of Maryland private water and sewer facility assessments.  Private water and sewer facility assessments, also known as front foot benefit assessments or utility liens, are annual charges established by developers to defer or offset the cost of installing water and sewer infrastructure to serve a community. U.S. Utility works together with builders and developers to maximize the value and efficiency of private water and sewer facility assessment holdings throughout the state.

Management Services

The establishment, servicing, and maintenance of private utility assessments require attention to detail and meticulous recordkeeping to ensure their enforceability. U.S. Utility has an in-depth understanding of current Maryland laws governing front foot assessments and stays current with changes to these laws.

As the most experienced companies in the management of Maryland private water and sewer facility assessments, U.S. Utility manages utility assessments applicable to homeowners in counties across the state.


Read U.S. Utility’s FAQ to better understand your water and sewer facilities assessment.


U.S. Utility has a professional staff dedicated to full-time management, supervision, and collection of utility assessments portfolios.


Contact U.S. Utility to confirm the current balance or payoff for a specific water and sewer facility assessment.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Office Phone: 410-418-4553

Fax: 410-418-5598

Email: info@us-utility.com

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